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SIBS Scholarships

these scholarships are funded by sibs through grants and donations. 

Recipients are selected by the institution, or a three person panel of readers, which includes at least one Governance Committee member. If you have any questions or would like to discuss partnering with us please email

Woodcrest Farm and Forge

2 weeks prior to class start

We’re once again partnering with the Society of Inclusive Blacksmiths to provide scholarship funding to our Blacksmithing programs. Priority will be given to new students who identify as LGBTQIA+/BIPOC/Disability.

Hillsborough, NC

Attendance to Forging Connections Conference

April 7th

Thanks to support from CERF+ and Society for Inclusive Blacksmiths, SNAG has 6 scholarships available for Forging Connections: 1 Registration (includes meals) + Lodging for a Student/Emerging Artist, 1 Registration (includes meals) + Lodging for a Non-Student/Emerging, and 4 Registration Passes (includes meals). Each scholarship recipient will also receive a one-year SNAG membership.

Touchstone Center for Craft, Farmington Pennsylvania

Hardy and Fuller

Accepting Applications

We are so excited to partner with The Society of Inclusive Blacksmiths to offer blacksmith/open studio scholarships for adults! We will be able to offer one scholarship per month. If you, or someone you know, is lacking the funds to experiment with this art-form, please apply! We will lottery pick a person every month and your application will be included for every pick.

Denver Colorado

Desert Metal Craft

Accepting Applications

Please see this brief description and shoot us a message if you’d like to apply. Contact us at

This scholarship is made possible by the Society for Inclusive Blacksmiths to increase accountability within the craft and to support diversity in the field of blacksmithing. The SIBs scholarship is available to individuals from a historically marginalized group, which includes anyone who identifies as BIPOC, LGBTQA+, female, or disabled. The SIBs scholarship is only available for blacksmithing classes and for students 18 or older.

Tucson Arizona, USA

Chicago Avenue Fire Arts Center

Accepting Applications

100% tuition coverage – SIBs fund. This scholarship is made possible by the Society for Inclusive Blacksmiths to increase accountability within the craft and to support diversity in the field of blacksmithing. The SIBs scholarship covers 100% of the tuition portion of your class fee, and you will contribute the materials fee. This scholarship is available to individuals from a historically marginalized group, which includes anyone who identifies as BIPOC, LGBTQA+, female, or disabled. Students must be 18 or older and enrolling in a blacksmithing class.

Minneapolis Minnesota, USA

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