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the spring 2025 grant cycle is closed.

Recipients will be notified in April.

With this cycle, we would like to acknowledge so many of those in our community who have faced and been affected by disaster in recent months. From Hurricane Helene to tornadoes to wildfires and more, our hearts are with those impacted and recovering from these destructive events. 


We know it takes time and money to build back what was lost, so we are dedicating this cycle of grants to those who have faced the extra burden of disaster caused losses. 


As always, these applications are open to all and juried with fair and open minds. We will be giving special consideration to applicants who identify as having been impacted by a disaster or other significant loss and who express their specific needs to continue their recovery. 


A huge thank you to the Maxwell Hanrahan Foundation for being our direct source of funding for the majority of these grants.

Institutional grant

March 25, 2025 at 6:59:00 AM

The SIBs Institutional Grant awards recipients $2500.00 USD in unrestricted funds to be used by blacksmithing institutions.

BLACKSMITHING INSTITUTION DEFINITION: The Society of Inclusive Blacksmiths defines a blacksmithing institution as an educational organization with a physical location that furthers the craft of blacksmithing and metalworking, by offering blacksmithing as part of their core programming. This includes small, private, or non-profit institutions of any size, which may offer a variety of classes as well as blacksmithing.

We ask applicants and awardees to be committed to aligning with our mission of inclusivity by signing our code of conduct as a means of solidarity.

Awardees MAY use the funding towards:
-Purchasing new/used tools
-Repairing/upkeep on current equipment
-Installation of equipment
-Shop materials (ex. steel, rivets)
-Shop consumables (ex. drill bits/abrasives/gases/solid fuel)
-Educational materials (ex. books/dvds)
-Marketing materials

This grant MAY NOT be used for:
-the purchasing of any items that are intended to be sold at a profit for the individual or institution applying
-the acquisition of property
-the payment of rent or mortgage on the property of the institution

Institutions will be required to provide a current W9 or appropriate international tax form to receive funds and to share with SIBs how this grant impacted them within a maximum of 12-months from the time funds are distributed.

Institutions or individuals who have received grant funding by SIBs are not eligible to reapply to any SIBs grants for ONE FULL YEAR from the date funds were awarded.

These grants are made possible through funding from the Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation.

Tool Grant

March 25, 2025 at 6:59:00 AM

The SIBs Tool Grant awards recipients $500.00 unrestricted funds to be used towards the purchasing of tools and/or equipment for personal use with blacksmithing. This can include tools for your work space, materials needed to build equipment, materials needed to make work, consumables such as abrasives, welding supplies, gas or coal, etc.

Recipients will be required to provide a current W9 or appropriate international tax form for the year awarded and will be asked to share how this grant impacted their blacksmithing/metalworking pursuits as a final report for the grant.

Individuals who receive grant funding over $100 from SIBs are not eligible to reapply to any SIBs grant for ONE FULL YEAR from the date previous funds were awarded.

These grants were made possible through funding from the Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation.

Professional Blacksmith Tool Grant

March 25, 2025 at 6:59:00 AM

The SIBs Professional Tool Grant awards two recipients $1000.000 in unrestricted funds to be used towards the purchasing of tools and equipment for professional use in blacksmithing. This can include tools for your work space, materials needed to build equipment, materials needed to make work, consumables such as abrasives, welding supplies, gas or coal, etc. Two of these grants will be awarded each round on an application-based selection process by a committee.

PROFESSIONAL BLACKSMITH DEFINITION: The Society of Inclusive Blacksmiths defines a professional blacksmith as an individual who makes their living mainly or entirely through forged metal work and/or through the teaching of blacksmithing.

Recipients will be required to provide a current W9 or appropriate international tax form for the year awarded and will be required to share how this grant impacted their blacksmithing/metalworking pursuits.

Individuals who receive grant funding over $100 from SIBs are not eligible to reapply to any SIBs grant for ONE FULL YEAR from the date funds were awarded.

These grants were made possible through funding from the Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation.

Educational Grant

March 25, 2025 at 6:59:00 AM

The SIBs Educational Grant awards recipients $500.00 unrestricted funds to be used towards educational purposes with a blacksmithing focus. This can include workshop fees; travel expenses for workshops, conferences or research; books or other research materials or anything impacting the awardee in their study of blacksmithing.

Recipients will be required to provide a current W9 or appropriate international tax form for the year awarded and will be asked to share how this grant impacted their blacksmithing/metalworking pursuits as a final report for the grant.

Individuals who receive grant funding over $100 from SIBs are not eligible to reapply to any SIBs grant for ONE FULL YEAR from the date funds were awarded.

SIBs is committed to promoting equity and increasing diversity in the field of blacksmithing by providing support for BIPOC, MENA, AAPI, and LGBTQIA+ folks, women, people with disabilities, and all who have historically been marginalized in this field. Anyone is welcome to apply for these grants. Thank you! 

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